If L is the effective span of a R.C.C. beam which is subjected to maximum shear qmax at the ends, the distance from either end over which stirrups for the shear, are provided, is

A. (L/2) (1 - 3/qmax)

B. (L/3) (1 - 5/qmax)

C. (L/2) (1 - 5/qmax)

D. (L/2) (1 - 2/qmax)

Answer: Option C

In a pre-stressed beam carrying an external load W with a bent tendon is having angle of inclination ? and pre-stressed load P. The net downward load at the centre is

A. W - 2P cos θ

B. W - P cos θ

C. W - P sin θ

D. W - 2P sin θ

Answer: Option D

If the ratio of long and short spans of a two way slab with corners held down is r, the actual reduction of B.M. is given by

A. (5/6) (r/1 + r²) M

B. (5/6) (r²/1 + r²) M

C. (5/6) (r²/1 + r³) M

D. (5/6) (r²/1 + r⁴) M

Answer: Option D

he minimum clear cover for R.C.C. columns shall be

A. Greater of 40 mm or diameter

B. Smaller of 40 mm or diameter

C. Greater of 25 mm or diameter

D. Smaller of 25 mm or diameter

Answer: Option C

If the length of an intermediate span of a continuous slab is 5 m, the length of the end span is kept

A. 4.5 m

B. 4.0 m

C. 3.5 m

D. 3.0 m

Answer: Option A

HINT  0.9 times of intermediate span=end span
        Then, 5×.9=4.5

If the tendon is placed at an eccentricity e below the centroidal axis of the longitudinal axis of a rectangular beam (sectional modulus Z and stressed load P in tendon) the stress at the extreme top edge

A. Is increased by PZ/e

B. Is increased by Pe/Z

C. Is decreased by Pe/Z

D. Remains unchanged

Answer: Option C

A foundation is called shallow if its depth, is

A. One-fourth of its width

B. Half of its width

C. Three-fourth of its width

D. Equal to its width

Answer: Option D

If the sides of a slab simply supported on edges and spanning in two directions are equal, the maximum bending moment is multiplied by

A. 0.2

B. 0.3

C. 0.4

D. 0.5

Answer: Option D

An R.C.C. beam of 6 m span is 30 cm wide and has a lever arm of 55 cm. If it carries a U.D.L. of 12 t per m and allowable shear stress is 5 kg/cm², the beam

A. Is safe in shear

B. Is safe with stirrups

C. Is safe with stirrups and inclined bars

D. Needs revision of section

Answer: Option D


we know that moment M=V*LA where LA is liver arm (for given signs F=verticle shear force, v=horizontal shear force, x=longitudinal distance)
now v=M/LA , also M=F*x
shear stress S=V/(B*x)
for question:
S=12000*6/2*(30*55)=21.82 >8 kg/cm^2 hence unsafe

A pre-stressed rectangular beam which carries two concentrated loads W at L/3 from either end, is provided with a bent tendon with tension P such that central one-third portion of the tendon remains parallel to the longitudinal axis, the maximum dip h is


B. WL/2P

C. WL/3P

D. WL/4P

Answer: Option C

According to I.S. : 456, slabs which span in two directions with corners held down, are assumed to be divided in each direction into middle strips and edge strips such that the width of the middle strip, is

A. Half of the width of the slab

B. Two-third of the width of the slab

C. Three-fourth of the width of the slab

D. Four-fifth of the width of the slab

Answer: Option C

If the permissible compressive stress for a concrete in bending is C kg/m², the modular ratio is

A. 2800/C

B. 2300/2C

C. 2800/3C

D. 2800/C²

Answer: Option C

In a combined footing for two columns carrying unequal loads, the maximum hogging bending moment occurs at

A. Less loaded column

B. More loaded column

C. A point of the maximum shear force

D. A point of zero shear force

Answer: Option D

On piles, the drop must be at least

A. 80 cm

B. 100 cm

C. 120 cm

D. 140 cm

Answer: Option C


If a bent tendon is required to balance a concentrated load W at the centre of the span L, the central dip h must be at least


B. WL/2P

C. WL/3P

D. WL/4P

Answer: Option D

As per IS : 456, the reinforcement in a column should not be less than

A. 0.5% and not more than 5% of cross-sectional area

B. 0.6% and not more than 6% of cross-sectional area

C. 0.7% and not more than 7% of cross-sectional area

D. 0.8% and not more than 8% of cross-sectional area

Answer: Option D


If the diameter of longitudinal bars of a square column is 16 mm, the diameter of lateral ties should not be less than

A. 4 mm

B. 5 mm

C. 6 mm

D. 8 mm

Answer: Option C

Minimum spacing between horizontal parallel reinforcement of different sizes, should not be less than

A. One diameter of thinner bar

B. One diameter of thicker bar

C. Twice the diameter of thinner bar

D. None of these

Answer: Option B

If W is total load per unit area on a panel, D is the diameter of the column head, L is the span in two directions, then the sum of the maximum positive bending moment and average of the negative bending moment for the design of the span of a square flat slab, should not be less than

A. WL/12 (L - 2D/3)²

B. WL/10 (L + 2D/3)²

C. WL/10 (L - 2D/3)²

D. WL/12 (L - D/3)²

Answer: Option C

The radius of a bar bend to form a hook, should not be less than

A. Twice the diameter

B. Thrice the diameter

C. Four times the diameter

D. Five times the diameter

Answer: Option A

A part of the slab may be considered as the flange of the T-beam if

A. Flange has adequate reinforcement transverse to beam

B. It is built integrally with the beam

C. It is effectively bonded together with the beam

D. All the above

Answer: Option D

If the maximum dip of a parabolic tendon carrying tension P is h and the effective length of the pre-stressed beam is L, the upward uniform pressure will be

A. 8hp/l

B. 8hp/l²

C. 8hl/p

D. 8hl/p²

Answer: Option B

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following: Tensile reinforcement bars of a rectangular beam

A. Are curtailed if not required to resist the bending moment

B. Are bent up at suitable places to serve as shear reinforcement

C. Are bent down at suitable places to serve as shear reinforcement

D. Are maintained at bottom to provide at least local bond stress

Answer: Option C

The width of the flange of a T-beam, which may be considered to act effectively with the rib depends upon

A. Breadth of the rib

B. Overall thickness of the rib

C. Centre to centre distance between T-beams

D. All the above

Answer: Option D

Lapped splices in tensile reinforcement are generally not used for bars of size larger than

A. 18 mm diameter

B. 24 mm diameter

C. 30 mm diameter

D. 36 mm diameter

Answer: Option D

HINT In compression 30dia..

Tension 36dia

For initial estimate for a beam design, the width is assumed

A. 1/15th of span

B. 1/20th of span

C. 1/25th of span

D. 1/30th of span

Answer: Option D

[A + (m - 1)ASC] known as equivalent concrete area of R.C.C. is given by

A. Modular ratio method

B. Load factor method

C. Ultimate load method

D. None of these

Answer: Option A

The maximum diameter of a bar used in a ribbed slab, is

A. 12 mm

B. 6 mm

C. 20 mm

D. 22 mm

Answer: Option D

The transverse reinforcements provided at right angles to the main reinforcement

A. Distribute the load

B. Resist the temperature stresses

C. Resist the shrinkage stress

D. All the above

Answer: Option D

If ‘W’ is weight of a retaining wall and ‘P’ is the horizontal earth pressure, the factor of safety against sliding, is

A. 1.0

B. 1.25

C. 1.5

D. 2.0

Answer: Option C

If p₁ and p₂ are mutually perpendicular principal stresses acting on a soil mass, the normal stress on any plane inclined at angle θ° to the principal plane carrying the principal stress p₁, is:

A. [(p₁ - p₂)/2] + [(p₁ + p₂)/2] sin 2θ

B. [(p₁ - p₂)/2] + [(p₁ + p₂)/2] cos 2θ

C. [(p₁ + p₂)/2] + [(p₁ - p₂)/2] cos 2θ

D. [(p₁ + p₂)/2] + [(p₁ - p₂)/2] sin 2θ

Answer: Option C

The width of the rib of a T-beam, is generally kept between

A. 1/7 to 1/3 of rib depth

B. 1/3 to 1/2 of rib depth

C. 1/2 to 3/4 of rib depth

D. 1/3 to 2/3 of rib depth

Answer: Option D

If ‘H’ is the overall height of a retaining wall retaining a surcharge, the width of the base slab usually provided, is

A. 0.3 H

B. 0.4 H

C. 0.5 H

D. 0.7 H

Answer: Option D

The thickness of base slab of a retaining wall generally provided, is

A. One half of the width of the stem at the bottom

B. One-third of the width of the stem at the bottom

C. One fourth of the width of the steam at the bottom

D. Width of the stem at the bottom

Answer: Option D

Bottom bars under the columns are extended into the interior of the footing slab to a distance greater than

A. 42 diameters from the centre of the column

B. 42 diameters from the inner edge of the column

C. 42 diameters from the outer edge of the column

D. 24 diameters from the centre of the column

Answer: Option C

If C is creep coefficient, f is original pre-stress in concrete, m is modular ratio, E is Young's modulus of steel and e is shrinkage strain, the combined effect of creep and shrinkage is:

A. (1 - C) mf - eE

B. (C - 1) mf + eE

C. (C - 1) mf - eE

D. (1 - C) mf + eE

Answer: Option B

The percentage of minimum reinforcement of the gross sectional area in slabs, is

A. 0.10 %

B. 0.12 %

C. 0.15 %

D. 0.18 %

Answer: Option C

If ‘W’ is the uniformly distributed load on a circular slab of radius ‘R’ fixed at its ends, the maximum positive radial moment at its centre, is

A. 3WR²/16

B. 2WR²/16

C. WR²/16

D. None of these

Answer: Option C

The floor slab of a building is supported on reinforced cement floor beams. The ratio of the end and intermediate spans is kept

A. 0.7

B. 0.8

C. 0.9

D. 0.6

Answer: Option C

A ribbed slab is provided for

A. A plain ceiling

B. Thermal insulation

C. Acoustic insulation

D. All the above

Answer: Option D

The thickness of the topping of a ribbed slab, varies between

A. 3 cm to 5 cm

B. 5 cm to 8 cm

C. 8 cm to 10 cm

D. 12 cm to 15 cm

Answer: Option B

The live load to be considered for an accessible roof, is

A. Nil

B. 75 kg/m³

C. 150 kg/m²

D. 200 kg/cm²

Answer: Option C

The Young's modulus of elasticity of steel, is

[A].150 KN/mm2
200 KN/mm2@
[C].250 KN/mm2
[D].275 KN/mm2

Answer: Option B

In favourable circumstances a 15 cm concrete cube after 28 days, attains a maximum crushing strength

A. 100 kg/cm²

B. 200 kg/cm²

C. 300 kg/cm²

D. 400 kg/cm²

Answer: Option D

A pre-stressed concrete member

A. Is made of concrete

B. Is made of reinforced concrete

C. Is stressed after casting

D. Possesses internal stresses

Answer: Option D

If the effective length of a 32 cm diameter R.C.C. column is 4.40 m, its slenderness ratio, is

A. 40

B. 45

C. 50

D. 55

Answer: Option D

HINT slenderness ratio = Le/k

where Le = effective length
k= radius of gyration

k= square root of ( I xx /A)
where I = moment of inertia
A = Area
Ixx= (pie D^4)/64 = (3.14 × 0.32^4)/64 =0.000514
A= (pie D^2)/4 = (3.14 × 0.32^2)/4 =0.080

now, radius of gyration k = square root of (0.000514/0.08)

slenderness ratio = Le / k = 4.4÷0.08 = 55

so the answer is option D.

The system in which high tensile alloy steel bars (silica manganese steel) are used as pre-stressing tendons, is known as

A. Freyssinet system

B. Magnel-Blaton system

C. C.C.L. standard system

D. Lee-McCall system

Answer: Option D

The length of the lap in a compression member is kept greater than bar diameter x (Permissible stress in bar / Five times the bond stress) or

A. 12 bar diameters

B. 18 bar diameters

C. 24 bar diameters

D. 30 bar diameters

Answer: Option C

If ‘W’ is the load on a circular slab of radius ‘R’, the maximum radial moment at the centre of the slab, is

A. WR²/16

B. 2WR²/16

C. 3WR²/16

D. 5WR²/16

Answer: Option C

If W is the load on a circular slab of radius R, the maximum circumferential moment at the centre of the slab, is

A. WR²/16

B. 2WR²/16

C. 3WR²/16

D. Zero

Answer: Option C

For the design of a simply supported T-beam the ratio of the effective span to the overall depth of the beam is limited to

A. 10

B. 15

C. 20

D. 25

Answer: Option C

The weight of reinforced concrete, is generally taken as

A. 2200 kg/m³

B. 2300 kg/m³

C. 2400 kg/m³

D. 2500 kg/m³

Answer: Option D

NOTE : RCC = 2500 kg/m3

              PCC= 2400 kg/m3


A pre-cast pile generally used, is

A. Circular

B. Square

C. Octagonal

D. Square with corners chamfered

Answer: Option D

As per IS : 1343, total shrinkage for a pre-tensioned beam, is

A. 3.0 × 10⁻²

B. 3.0 × 10⁻³

C. 3.0 × 10⁻⁵

D. 3.5 × 10⁻⁵

Answer: Option D

Design of R.C.C. cantilever beams, is based on the resultant force at

A. Fixed end

B. Free end

C. Mid span

D. Mid span and fixed support

Answer: Option A

The diameter of longitudinal bars of a column should never be less than

A. 6 mm

B. 8 mm

C. 10 mm

D. 12 mm

Answer: Option D

The effective width of a column strip of a flat slab, is

A. One-fourth the width of the panel

B. Half the width of the panel

C. Radius of the column

D. Diameter of the column

Answer: Option B

The length of lap in tension reinforcement should not be less than the bar diameter × (actual tension / four times the permissible average bond stress) if it is more than

A. 18 bar diameters

B. 24 bar diameters

C. 30 bar diameters

D. 36 bar diameters

Answer: Option C

As the percentage of steel increases

A. Depth of neutral axis decreases

B. Depth of neutral axis increases

C. Lever arm increases

D. Lever arm decreases

Answer: Option B

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