1. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. An activity of a project is denoted by an arrow on the net work

B. The tail of the arrow indicates the start of the activity

C. The head of the arrow indicates the end of the activity

D. The arrows are drawn to scale from left to right

E. Each activity consumes a given time.

Correct Answer: The arrows are drawn to scale from left to right

2. Modular co-ordination of construction means proper

A. planning          B. designing         C. execution         D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

3. The time which results in the least, possible construction cost of an activity, is known

A. normal time       B. slow time         C. crash time        D. standard time.

Correct Answer: slow time

4. Completion of an activity on CPM network diagram, is generally known

A. Event            B. Node            C. Connector        D. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

5. Site order book is used for recording

A. instructions by the executive engineers                B. construction measurements

C. issue of store equipment                           D. names of the casual labour.

Correct Answer: instructions by the executive engineers

6. Critical path lies along the activities having total float

A. positive          B. negative                C. zero                   D. same.

Correct Answer: zero

7. The object of technical planning, is

A. preparation of specifications                              B. preparation of estimates

C. initiating the procurement action of resources

D. taking remedial action for likely bottleneck in the execution       E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

8. Construction team means

A. an engineer       B. an architect       C. an owner   D. a contractor       E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

9. The main principle of an  organization, is

A. unity of command                                      B. coregency

C. effective control at all levels                               D. delegation of authority

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

10. Henry Gantt developed Bar charts for planning and scheduling of projects in

A. 1880             B. 1900             C. 1920             D. 1940                 E. 1950

Correct Answer: 1900

1. An Executive Engineer may have powers up to

A. Rs. 25,000         B. Rs. 50,000      C. Rs. 100,000           D. Rs. 200,000                   E. Rs. 500,000

Correct Answer: Rs. 25,000

2. CPM is

A. synthesising in concepts                      B. is built of activities oriented programme

C. is based on time estimate                     D. is used for repetitive works

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above

3. Pick up the PERT event from the following:

A. Digging of foundation started                              B. Digging of foundation completed

C. Laying of concrete started                          D. Laying of concrete completed

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

4. The Overall in-charge of an organization at the site responsible for the execution of the works, is

A. Executive Engineer  B. Engineer   C. Junior Engineer    D. Sub overseer        E. Assistant Engineer

Correct Answer: Engineer

5. A construction schedule is prepared after collecting

A. number of operations items                               B. output of labour   

C. output of machinery                                     D. quantity of various

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

6. The salient feature of functional organization is

A. strict adherence to specifications               B. separation of planning and design part

C. each individual maintains functional efficiency     D. work is properly planned and distributed

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

7. The artificial activity which indicates that an activity following it, cannot be started unless the preceding activity is complete, is known as

A. event            B. free float               C. dummy                D. constant

Correct Answer: dummy

8. Which one of the following represents an activity

A. excavation for foundation                                B. curing of concrete 

C. setting of question paper                                 D. preparation of breakfast

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

9. The most popular type of organization used for Civil Engineering Constructions, is

A. line organization                                       B. line and staff organization 

C. functional organization                                   D. effective organization.

Correct Answer: line organization

10. Bar charts are suitable for

A. minor works       B. major works       C. large projects            D. all the Above.

Correct Answer: minor works

2. Mile Stone charts were invented in the year of

A. 1910             B. 1920         C. 1930        D. 1940                               E. 1950

Correct Answer: 1940

3. The estimated time required to perform an activity, is known as

A. event            B. dummy                C. duration                D. float.

Correct Answer: duration

4. Time and progress chart of a construction, is also known as

A. Bar chart                                             B. Gantt chart

C. Modified Mile stone chart                                D. Critical path method chart

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

5. The first method invented for planning projects, was

A. Bar chart method                     B. Milestone chart

C. Critical path method (CPM)              D. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Correct Answer: Bar chart method

6. The difference between the time avail-to do a job and the time required to do the job, is known as

A. event            B. float       C. duration          D. constraint.

Correct Answer: float

7. If to, tp and tm are the optimistic, pessimistic and most likely time estimates of an activity respectively, the expected time t of the activity will be







Correct Answer:

8. A critical ratio scheduling

A. establishes the relative priorities among various activities on a common basis

B. determines the status of each activity           

C. adjusts automatically changes in activity progress

D. is a dynamic system                  

E. none of these.

Correct Answer: none of these.

9. A Milestone chart

A. shows the interdependencies of various jobs                  B. depicts the delay of jobs, if any

C. points outgoing ahead of schedule of jobs, if any         D. none of these.

Correct Answer: none of these.

10. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. The activity is the time consuming part of a project

B. The beginning and end of a job, are called events

C. The activity which consumes maximum time, is called a node

D. Logically and sequentially connected activities and events form a network

E. None of these.

Correct Answer: The activity which consumes maximum time, is called a node

1. If the total float and duration of an activity are 5 and 10 days respectively, the particular activity can be

A. started 5 days later                                      B. completed 5 days later

C. performed at slower rate in 15 days                         D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

2. Frederick W. Taylor introduced a system of working known as

A. line organization                                  B. line and staff organization  

C. functional organization                             D. effective organization

Correct Answer: functional organization

4. The technique for establishing and maintaining priorities among the various jobs of a project, is known

A. Event flow scheduling technique                           B. Critical ratio scheduling

C. Slotting technique for scheduling                           D. Short interval scheduling.

Correct Answer: Critical ratio scheduling

5. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. CPM analysis is activity oriented                           

B. PERT analysis is event oriented

C. CPM does not make any allowance for the uncertainties in the duration of time

D. In CPM, the time is related to cost                         

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

6. If TL is the latest allowable event occurrence time, total activity slack(s), is equal to

A. LST-EST          B. LFT-EFT          C. TL-EFT           D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

7. Works costing less than Rs. 20,000 are treated as

A. projects       B. major projects       C. minor projects            D. all the above.

Correct Answer: minor projects

8. Various activities of a project, are shown on bar charts by

A. vertical lines       B. horizontal lines           C. dots       D. crosses.

Correct Answer: horizontal lines

9. The time by which activity completion time can be delayed without affecting the start of succeeding activities, is known as

A. duration          B. total flat          C. free float         D. interfering float.

Correct Answer: free float

10. Final technical authority of a project lies with

A. Assistant Engineer  B. Executive Engineer  C. Superintending Engineer   D. Chief Engineer.

Correct Answer: Chief Engineer.

1. Military organization is known as

A. line organization                                  B. line and staff organization  

C. functional organization                             D. none of these.

Correct Answer: line organization

2. Critical Path Net Work helps an engineer

A. to concentrate his attention on critical activities

B. to divert the resources from non-critical advanced activities to critical activities

C. to be cautious for avoiding any delay in the critical activities to avoid delay of the whole project

D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

4. A CPM family includes

A. CPA (Critical Path Analysis)                                B. CPP (Critical Path Plotted)

C. MCE (Minimum Cost Expenditure)                          D. CPS (Critical Path Scheduling)

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

5. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. The float may be positive, zero or negative

B. If the float is positive and the activity is delayed by a period equal to its total float, the completion of project is not delayed

C. If the float of an activity is negative, delay in its performance is bound to delay the completion of project

D. If the float of an activity is zero, the activity is critical and any delay in its performance will delay the whole project

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

6. The performance of a specific task in CPM, is known

A. Dummy          B. Event            C. Activity                D. Contract.

Correct Answer: Activity

7. A dummy activity

A. is artificially introduced                             B. is represented by a dotted line

C. does not consume time                            D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

8. If D is the duration, ES and EF are the earliest start and finish, LS and LF are latest start and latest finish time, then the following relation holds good

A. EF = ES + D        B. LS = LF – D        C. LF = LS + D        D. D = EF - ES

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

9. Critical path method

A. is an improvement upon bar chart method

B. provides a realistic approach to daily problems

C. avoids delays which are very common in bar charts

D. was invented by Morgan R. Walker of Dupot and James E. Kalley or Remington U.S.A. in 1957

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

10. In CPM analysis,

A. emphasis is given to activities

B. uncertainties are not allowed

C. activities are represented by arrows

D. beginning and end of an activity, are denoted by nodes

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

1. PERT analysis is based on

A. optimistic time     B. pessimistic time    C. most likely time    D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

2. For the supply of materials for concrete, form work reinforcing and placing of concrete, removal of form work and curing of concrete, number of bar(s) required on bar chart, is

A. 1               B. 2               C. 3               D. 4

Correct Answer: 1

3. While filling the tender for any work, the contractor considers

A. site survey                                B. availability of construction materials

C. availability of labour                         D. study of specifications

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

4. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. The difference of latest occurence time and earliest expected time, is called slack

B. The activities connecting the events having zero slack, lie on the critical path

C. The critical path consumes the maximum time

D. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

5. The main advantage of line organization, is :

A. effective command and control                      B. defined responsibilities at all levels

C. rigid discipline in the organization                    D. ability of quick decision at all levels

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

6. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Forward pass is used for calculating earliest expected time

B. Backward pass is used for calculating the latest occurence time

C. Maximum value of earliest expected time is used if there are more than one value of any event

D. Minimum value of latest occurrence time is used if there are more than one value of any event

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

7. The main disadvantage of line organization, is


A. rigid structure                             B. extraordinary delay in communications

C. top level executions over work                 D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

8. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. The various functions under each activity, are shown by one bar on Bar Charts

B. Bar chart establishes the interdependency of one event on another

C. Only approximate percentage of the completed work is reported

D. None of these

Correct Answer: Bar chart establishes the interdependency of one event on another

9. For completion of a project, the critical path of the network represents

A. minimum time     B. maximum time     C. maximum cost     D. minimum cost.

Correct Answer: minimum time

10. Pre-tender stage requires

A. acquisition of land                    B. selection of site

C. formalisation of alignment of work        D. formalisation of designs and preparation of estimate

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

1. Frequency distribution curves

A. having a single lump, are called uninodal curves    B. if symmetrical, are called normal curves

C. if not symmetrical, are called skew curves         D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

2. The first stage of a construction, is

A. preparation of estimate                            B. survey of the site        

C. initiation of proposal                               D. preparation of tender          

Correct Answer: initiation of proposal

3. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique, is event oriented

B. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique is not event oriented

C. Critical Path Method is event oriented

D. Critical Path method is event oriented.

Correct Answer: Programme Evaluation and Review Technique, is event oriented

4. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. Optimistic time estimate refers to activities       B. Pessimistic time estimate refers to activities

C. Most likely time estimate refers to activities       D. Expected time estimate refers to activities

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

5. Pick up the correct statement from the following with regards to C.P.M. network analysis of projects

A. Earliest occurrence time of the event from which the activity arrow' originates, is called earliest start time of the activity

B. Earliest occurrence time of the event from which the activity arrow originates plus the duration of the activity, is called earliest finish time of the activity

C. The latest occurrence time of the node of which the activity arrow terminates minus the duration of the activity, is called latest start time

D. The latest occurrence time for the node at which the activity arrow terminates, is called latest finish time

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

6. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. The duration between the earliest start time of the preceding event and latest finish time of the succeeding event, is called 'float'

B. The duration of time by which an activity can be delayed without affecting the succeeding activity, is called free float

C. The float which affects neither the processor nor the successor activities, is called independent float

D. The difference between total float and free float, is called interfering float

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

7. The three time estimates for the activities of the network shown in the given figure are shown above their arrows. The earliest expected time for the event 4, is

A. 19              B. 14                    C. 24              D. None of these.

Correct Answer: 19

8. Pick up the correct statement from the following:


A. Earliest expected time is denoted by TE

B. Latest occurrence time is denoted by TL

C. Contractual obligation time is denoted by TS

D. Latest occurrence time is taken as contractual obligation time

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

9. PERT is

A. an analytic in concept

B. limited of event oriented diagrams

C. used for research and development projects

D. based on three time estimates for activities linking up two events

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

10. A golden rule for the procurement of construction stones, suggests

A. 100% at the site                            B. 67% at the site and 33% under procurement

C. 50% at the site and 50% under procurement       D. 33% at the site and 67% under procurement

E. none of these.

Correct Answer: 67% at the site and 33% under procurement

1. Which one of the following represents an event?

A. concrete cured  B. fixing of door  C. plastering of walls  D. selecting sites  E. all the above.

Correct Answer: concrete cured

2. For the execution of a project, a contractor is

A. a person         B. a firm            C. an agency         D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

3. The final selection of a construction site, is done by

A. departmental representative or user                        B. local civil authority representative

C. representative of engineer authority                        D. representative of administration

E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

4. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. The difference between the earliest start time and latest finish time of any activity, is the maximum time available for the activity

B. The difference between the maximum time available for the job and actual time it consumes, is called total float

C. The difference between the latest start time and earliest start time of an activity, is called total float

D. The difference between the earliest finish time of an activity and the earliest start time of its successor activity, is called free float of the activity

E. None of these.

Correct Answer: None of these.

5. For the network shown in the given figure, the expected time for the activity

A. 1-2 is 4           B. 2-3 is 7           C. 3-4 is 8           D. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.


Expected time = (Pessimistic value + 4*most likely value + Optimistic value)/6.

1-2 is 4.

2-3 is 7.

3-4 is 8.

6. Optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic times for the activities of a network in the given figure are written above their arrows. If the contractual obligation time for the project is 75, the latest occurrence time for the event 2, is

A. 20                                      B. 25                                      C. 35                                      D. 15

Correct Answer: 25

7. Residential buildings are treated as

A. light construction        B. heavy construction    C. industrial construction              D. private construction.

Correct Answer: light construction

8. Railway projects are treated as

A. light construction        B. heavy construction    C. industrial construction              D. none of these.

Correct Answer: heavy construction

9. An event is indicated on the network by a number enclosed in

A. a circle                     B. a square                 C. a triangle                D. an ellipse            E. all the above.

Correct Answer: all the above.

10. The critical activity has

A. maximum float                B. minimum float             C. zero float                    D. none of these.

Correct Answer: zero float

1. If t is the duration of an activity, t1 is the latest finish possible moment of its preceding activity and t2 is the earliest start possible moment, the independent float of the activity is


A. (t1 - t2) – t                     B. t - (t1 - t2)                       C. (t1 + t2) – t                     D. t + (t1 - t2)

Correct Answer: (t1 - t2) - t

A. a project is divided into various activities

B. required time for each activity is established

C. sequence of various activities is made according to their importance

D. network is drawn by connecting the activities and the events

E. All the above.

Correct Answer: All the above.

3. Power stations are generally treated as

A. light construction                                       B. heavy construction

C. industrial construction                                   D. electrical construction.

Correct Answer: industrial construction

























1 . A type of contract named turnkey contract is offered:

A) for planning                  B) for Designing       C) for Construction       D) All of the above

ANSWER: D) All of the above

2. What are Milestones in project planning?

A) Activity versus time   B) Only activities  C) vertical bar charts  D) beginning of various activities

ANSWER: D) beginning of various activities

3 . The report prepared at the end of finishing a construction job is called?

A) audit report B) finalization report C) approval report D) completion report

ANSWER: D) Completion report

4 . Mediation shall include the individuals directly involved in the disputes except:

A) employer        B) contractor     C) attorneys       D) mediator

ANSWER: C) attorneys

5 . Contractors prequalification is required for project cost above:

A) 20 lakhs          B) 60 lakhs           C) 1 crore             D) 2 crore

ANSWER: D) 2 crore

6 . Minimum number of critical path in a network should be:

A) Zero                 B) one                   C) two                   D) three

ANSWER: B) one

7 . What are purpose of monitoring:

A)To make our program effective            B) To collect and analyze information

C) For the best utilization of resources   D) all of the above

ANSWER: D) all of the above

8 . Which among these options is the correct statement?

A) Bar chart are the improvement over milestone chart                 B) Milestone chart are improvement     over bar chart

C) Bar chart and milestone chart are same thing                                                D) All of the above

ANSWER: B) Milestone chart are improvement over bar chart

9 . What is the most important aspect of supervision in construction work:

A) To control the cost     B) To control the quality of project           C) To control the rise in price      D) none of the above

ANSWER: B) To control the quality of project

10 . Which one of the following is correct about planning and scheduling technique

A) CPM deals with probabilistic network                               B) CPM has triple time estimate

C) PERT is deterministic approach                             D) none of the above

ANSWER: D) None of the above

11 . Which one is the basis of project:

A) Planning         B) Scheduling     C) Monitoring and Supervising   D) All of the above

ANSWER: D) All of the above

12 . In construction procedure, Procurement is a procedure of:

A) selling the item           B) storing the item          C) buying the item           D) none of the above

ANSWER: C) buying the item

13 . In how many ways we can classify contractors

A) One way                        B) Two way                         C) Three way                     D) Four way

ANSWER: D) Four way

Explanation: We can classify contractor in four ways in A, B, C and D class contractors depending upon work limit.

14 . When there is omission or removal of any part of the projects the time for completion (Duration) of project:

A)Remains constant                                                                       B) Is less than allotted duration

C) Is more than allotted duration                                              D) all of the above

ANSWER: A) Remains constant

15 . When is Security deposit refunded to the contractor

A) When DLP is over                                                                       B) when there is completion of project

C) When required progress is achieved                                  D) is never refunded

ANSWER: A) When DLP is over

Explanation: DLP stands for Defect liability period(A Defect Liability Period is a priorly set period of time after a construction project has been completed during which a contractor has the obligation to return to the site to rectify and correct defect. Generally, a DLP lasts for 12 months.)

16 . What is the best way to control the conflict among the stakeholders if possible

A) confrontation between involving parties                                         B) compromise

C) controlling                                                                                                     D) forceful act

ANSWER: B) compromise

17 . In the construction industry arbitration method is used for:

A) When tender is to open                                                              B) When tender is to be awarded

C) When there is call for invitation of tender                           D) None


18 . For consulting service as per PPR, the maximum weight for a technical proposal is?

A) ninety percentage     B) eighty percentage      C) seventy percentage  D) sixty percentage

ANSWER: A) ninety percentage

Explanation: Average value is 80% however, the maximum value is 90%

19 . The overhead and profit is claimed by contractor

A) which is included in materials only                                      B)which is considered separate item

C) which is included with labours only                                     D)which is included in rate analysis

ANSWER: D) which is included in rate analysis

Explanation: When rate analysis is done, the overhead and profit are within rate analysis

20 . “Bill of Quantities” are prepared by … construction procedure

A) Quantity Surveyors   B) Quality surveyors       C) Compass surveyor     D) Suppliers

ANSWER: A) Quantity Surveyors

21 . The amount, in the forms of guarantee or cash, submitted by the contractor with BID as a guarantee of the commitment of the work:

A) earnest money           B) advanced payment guarantee              C) performance bond         D) bid bond

ANSWER: A) earnest money

22 . The contract in which the contractor is paid for the actual work performed and an agreed percentage or a fixed sum or a fluctuating fee for the work is termed as:

A) unit rate contract       B) lump sum contract     C) cost plus contract       D) material and work contract

ANSWER: C) cost plus contract

23 . Which of the following mode of selection is related to procurement of goods?

(A) QCBS                              (B) QBS                                 (C) CBS                                 (D) None of the above


24 . Project maintenance is

(A) Started after the projects ends          (B) optional process        (C) an ongoing process  (D) compulsory

ANSWER: (A) Started after the projects ends

25 . The terms ‘total float’ and ‘free finish time’ are useful terminology for assessing the progress of construction work, the difference of these two terms is:

A) duration                         B) null float              C) interfering float               D) critical activity duration

ANSWER: C) interfering float

26 . Among the documents forming a contract document, the priority of BOQs, specifications and drawings while making interpretations in case if any ambiguities or discrepancies among them shall generally be:

A) the specifications, the drawings and the priced of BOQ

B) the priced BOQ, the specifications and the drawings

C) the drawings, the specification and the priced BOQ

D) the specification, the priced BOQ and the drawings

ANSWER: A) the specifications, the drawings and the priced of BOQ

27 . A tender notice need:

A) not include general description of works

B) include the name of authority to accept or reject the tender

C) not require security deposit

D) not include cost estimation

ANSWER: B) include the name of authority to accept or reject the tender

28 . The amount required to be deposited by a contractor while submitting a tender is known as:

A) fixed deposit                                B) caution deposit           C) security deposit          D) earnest money deposit

ANSWER: D) earnest money deposit

29 . A written offer submitted by contractors to execute certain work at certain rates within a fixed time is called:

A) measurement book                  B) muster roll                     C) contract                          D) tender

ANSWER: D) tender

Explanation: However, Bid is the best answer than tender as “Bid” is increasingly being used by the Offerer (the supply side) and the term “tender” used on the procurement side (the buyer)

30 . Acquisition of land for any construction should be performed:

A) before tender             B) after tender                  C) at the time of tender                                D) at any time

ANSWER: A) before tender

31 . The chart which gives an estimate about the amount of materials handling between vaious work situations is known as:

A) operation chart                           B) flow chart                      C) process chart                                D) travel chart

ANSWER: D) travel chart

32 . An agreement between two parties or more to do or not to do any work is known as:

A) work to proceed         B) contract          C) specification                 D) tender

ANSWER: B) contract

33 . Accoarding to PPR-064 the contractor can be black listed up to:

a) 2 yrs                                  b) 3yrs                                  c) 5 yrs                                  d) 7 yrs

ANSWER: b) 3yrs (1 to 3 years)

34 . The performance security for the foreign contractor is …..% of contract amount

a. 2.5                                     b. 5                                         c. 10                                       d. 8

ANSWER: c. 10

35 . While bid evaluation ,if unit rate and total amount are contradicted ,then which of following will prevail

a. Unit rate                                                                                                                         b. total amount

c. Unit price is adopted and total amount is corrected                                     d. both a and b

ANSWER: c. Unit price is adopted and total amount is corrected

36 . The Department head can extend the time up to.. % of initial contract duration

a. 10                                          b. 25                                        c. 50                                       d. 100

ANSWER: b. 25

37 . Direct Purchase for consulting services is limited to the amount NRs…………..

a. 1.5 lakh                            b. 3 lakh                               c. 5 lakh                                d. 10 lakh

ANSWER: c. 5 lakh

38 . The authority of variation order up to 25 % of contract cost lies on

a. Concerned secretary                 b. concerned department chief n c. concerned minister                  d. cabinet

ANSWER: a. Concerned secretary

39 . The tender does not contain

a. item rate                                         b. work item                      c. notice                               d. estimated cost

ANSWER: a. item rate

40 . Contractor is liable to maintain the defects up to

a. Defect liability period                                b. contract period                 c. forever                       d. none

ANSWER: a. Defect liability period

41 . EOI(Expression of Interest) is compulsory for procurement of consulting services if work amount exceeds

a. 10 lakh                             b. 20 lakh                             c. both                                  d. none

ANSWER: b. 20 lakh

42 . The dispute resolution method in any contract is

a. Amicable settlement                  b. Dispute adjudication board             c. Arbitration                      d. all

ANSWER: d. all

43 . The bid evaluation committee consists of ………………numbers of persons.

a.1                                                          b.2                                                         c.3                                                          d.5


44 . Which of the document is prepared and submitted by contractor?

a. bid document               b. quality control plan    c. quality assurance plan               d. specification

ANSWER: c. quality assurance plan

45 . The money of the contractor retained by the department during payments is called:

A) tender money             B) retention money        C) earnest money            D) security money

ANSWER: B) retention money

46. In QCBS method of procurement, evaluation of consulting firm to award the contract, the weightage will be

a) 80% technical and 20% financial                            b) 50% each technical and financial

c) 10% technical and 90% financial                            d) 20% technical and 80% financial

ANSWER: a) 80% technical and 20% financial

47 . The term EPC stands for……………………………

a. Engineering Procurement Construction                                            b. Engineering Process Contract

c. Engineering Public Contact                                                                      d. none

ANSWER: a. Engineering Procurement Construction

48 . The PQ criteria are approved by……………………

a. Project Manager   b. Superintending Engineer     c. Senior Division Engineer     d.  Department Head

ANSWER: d. Department Head

49 . In the LIB type of contract management ,the acronym stands for

a. Local institutional bidding                                                                        b. Limited International bidding

c. Legitimate International bidding                                                           d. Limited institutional bidding

ANSWER: b. Limited International bidding

50 . Which of following is not a bid document?

a. condition of contract b. specification  c. performance security form     d. letter of acceptance

ANSWER: d. letter of acceptance

51 . Which is not the part of contract document

a. Letter of Intent            b. Letter of acceptance c. Bill of quantities           d. special condition of contract

ANSWER: a. Letter of Intent

52 . The meaning of term “INCOTERM “ used in contract is

a. International commercial term                                                              b. International trade terms

c. International procurement term                                                          d. None

ANSWER: a. International commercial term

53 . The contractor shall submit an application to the Employer for extension of time, stating the causes for delay, days before the expiry of contract completion date.

a. 5                                         b. 7                                                         c. 21                                                       d. 28

ANSWER: c. 21

54 . Technology is the

a. Study of various techniques                                                   b. Study of machines and their operation.

c. Study of industrial relations.                                                   d. Study of behaviors of man and machine

ANSWER: b. Study of machines and their operation.

55 . Mobilization advance up to 20% of total cost of work is given to a contractor

a. On commencement of work at site for payment of loan taken by him.

b. For the purchase of construction materials.

c. For payment of advance to staffs and labours.

d. For all activities required to start the work at site on finalization of the contract document

ANSWER: d. For all activities required to start the work at site on finalization of the contract document

56 . Physical contingencies according to PPR -064(Public Procurement Rule) is

a) 3-5%                                 b) 8%                                                     c) 5%                                                     d) 10%

ANSWER: d) 10%

57 . Price variation contingencies according to PPR -064 is

a)3-5%                                  b) 8%                                                     d)5%                                                      d) 10%

ANSWER: d) 10%

58 . A quality assurance plan is prepared and submitted by

a) contractor                                      b) consultant                                     c) employer                        d) none

ANSWER: a) contractor

59 . The variation is exceeding 15 % of the estimated cost is approved by

A. Project manager                         B. Departmental head                   C. Committee                    D) None

ANSWER: C. Committee

60 . According to recent amendment in PPR-073 procument of works between below 20M is done by:

a) Single Stage Single Envelope                                                                  b) Single Stage Two Envelope

c) Two stage Two Envelope                                                                         d) Two stage

ANSWER: a) Single Stage Single Envelope

61 . According to recent amendment in PPR-073 procument of works between 20M & 1B is done by:

a) Single Stage Single Envelope                                                                  b) Single Stage Two Envelope

c) Two stage Two Envelope                                                                         d) Two stage

ANSWER: b) Single Stage Two Envelope

62 . Which of the following estimate is not used at initial stage of project life cycle ?

a) preliminary                    b) budget                            c) order of magnitude                    d) detailed

ANSWER: d) detailed

63 . Which of the following is consider as current asset of bidders:

a) credit line                       b) overdraft                       c) both of above                               d) none of above

ANSWER: c) both of above

64 . Which of the following is consider as current asset of bidders:

a) credit line                       b) pending litigation                        c) both of above               d) none of above

ANSWER: a) credit line

65 . Quality control is done by

a)engineer                                          b)contractor                       c)supervisor                       d)owner

ANSWER: a)engineer

*HINT: Quality Assurance Plan is Prepared and Submitted by Contractor and Assured by Engineer

66 . Which of the following is not a part of bidding document?

a) Invitation to bidders  b) Instruction to bidders               c) BOQ                                  d) None of the above

ANSWER: a) Invitation to bidders

67 . Technical audit of a project is carried out at a stage

a)preparation stage                                                                                                                        b)procurement stage

c)implementation and post implementation stage                                                           d)all

ANSWER: c)implementation and post implementation stage

68 . Bill of quantity(BOQ) doesnt include

a)description of work to be carried out                                                  b)quality of work to be carried out

c)rate quotted by bidder                                                                              d)engineer estimated amount

ANSWER: d)engineer estimated amount

69 . The work to be carried out under the Contract shall be generally described in the

a) Bid Documents                                                            b) Bill of Quantities furnished in the Bid Documents

c) both of above                                                               d) none of above

ANSWER: c) both of above

70 . When the drawings and Specifications describe a portion of the work in only general terms, and not in complete detail, it shall be understood that

a) only the sound practice is to prevail

b) materials and workmanship of the best quality are to be employed

c) instructions of the Engineer are to be fully complied

d) all of the above

ANSWER: d) all of the above

71 . According to specification all Work performed shall be in ……….. with the lines, grades, slopes, cross-sections super elevation data, and dimensions as shown in the Drawings

a) accordance                                    b) conformity                                    c) suitable                                           d) none

ANSWER: b) conformity

72 . For completion of project critical path is longest and time taken by it

a)minimum time              b)maximum time                             c)standard time                                                d)crash time

ANSWER: a)minimum time

73 . As per standard specification, the work shall carried be done under supervision of

a. engineer                         b. inspector of work                       c. supervisor                      d. manager

ANSWER: a. engineer

74 . While working on site, a contractor is supposed to follow the instruction of

a. director general of concerned department                                     b. secretary of concerned ministry

c. division chief of concerned division                                                     d. Engineer as designated

ANSWER: d. Engineer as designated

75 . The term ‘IPC ‘ widely used in construction industry stands for

a. Interim Payment Contract                                                                       b. Interim Payment Certificate

c. Interim Procurement Concession                                                         d. Intra Payment Certificate

ANSWER: b. Interim Payment Certificate

76 . The construction of Chatara bridge is not completed on time as per contract due to the devastating Gorkha earthquake occurred on 12th Baishak 2072, the condition in contractual language is referred as...

a. Force majeure              b. contract breach                           c. disaster                            d. both a and b

ANSWER: a. Force majeure

77 . The PQ criteria are approved by……………………

a. Project Manager                                                                                                         b. Superintending Engineer

c. Senior Division Engineer                                                                                           d. Department Head

ANSWER: d. Department Head

78 . Construction steps of Suspended Bridges are in order:

i) Cable hoisting and sag setting                                         ii) Bridge layout preparation

iii) Local material collection                                  iv) Walkway fitting

A. i,ii,iii,iv           B. ii,iii,i,iv           C. ii,iii,iv,i           D. ii,iv,i,iii

ANSWER: B. ii,iii,i,iv

79 . Works can be executed using force account method if price doesn’t exceed

a. 3 lakh                  b. 5 lakhs           c. 1 lakh            d. 1.5 lakh

ANSWER: c.1 lakh

80 . The Project Manager can extend the time up to……………..months

a. 6               b. 12              c. 3                d. none

ANSWER: a. 6

81 . If the probability factor is zero, the chances of completing the project in scheduled time are

a)0%              b)50%             c)75%              d)100%

ANSWER: b)50%

82 . DIn rate analysis norms of Nepal, the provision for contractors overhead cost is

a. 5 %              b. 10 %             c. 15%             d. 2. 5 %

ANSWER: a. 5%

Explanation: overhead 5%; contractor profit 10%; overhead and profit 15%

83 . An event is,

A) A defined job                                          B) A defined time Interval

C) The terminal of an activity                          D) A definite position of an activity

ANSWER: C) The terminal of an activity

84 . Slack time in PERT analysis:

a) can never be greater than zero                       b) is always zero for critical activities

c) can never be less than zero                          d) Is minimum for critical activities

ANSWER: d) Is minimum for critical activities

85 . According to public procurement act 2063, the amount of prize given to the contractor for quick completion of work than the EOT is

a. 0.05% per day                              b. 10% of Contract Amount

c. 0.05% per day not exceeding 10%               d. No provision of prize for quick completion of works

ANSWER: c. 0.05% per day not exceeding 10%

86 . The conception of idea for any construction work is the responsibility of:

a. Owner                 b. Engineer               c. Contractor        d. All

ANSWER: a. Owner

87 . PPMO may black list the contractor up to ...….. years:

a)1                b)3                      c)5                      d)10


88 . If lowest Evaluated Bid price,is unbalanced or frontloaded in relation to the Employer’s estimate,then performance security deposited may upto:

a)2.5%             b)5%                    c)8%                    d)10%

ANSWER: c)8%

89 . The activity which consumes maximum time is called

a) event.           b) critical           c) node                  d) none of the above

ANSWER: d) none of the above

90 . Design alteration is generally done

a. before the project work starts                             b. during the running of work

c. After the work is complete                                d. none of the above

ANSWER: b. during the running of work











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